Social & Cultural Outings
Cultural Outings*
Select days and time
Join us for a diverse slate of offsite trips around the greater New York City Area. Explore historic sites and gardens, visit museums, see a movie, and even a Broadway show. Suggestions welcome!
Find the scheduled outings on our calendar.
*Transportation: Need a ride (or want to offer one) to an offsite event? Email [email protected].
JCC Goes Out to Lunch*
Join your fellow foodies for our new monthly Lunch Club! We’ll together dine on appetizers, mains, and desserts. You’ll choose your dishes in advance and all dietary needs can be accommodated. Bring a friend or make new ones!
Find the schedule on our calendar.
This monthly program, brought to us by our partners at Wowzitude, allows travel enthusiasts an insider’s view on a new global location every tour. You can even interact live with your tour guide! Each tour comes with a “trip kit” that contains cultural, culinary, and other resources about the destination– great for both armchair travelers and those who may go in real life. Check out our calendar for upcoming dates!