Passover Telephone Game
By Rabbi Ben Newman
This game of telephone is just one of many ways to make your Passover Seder more family-friendly. If you’ve ever played this ubiquitous game as a kid, you probably know the game but this puts a nice spin on it. I hope you try it this year and be sure to look out for my guide (soon to be published) on 10 ways to make a Seder more kid-friendly. Have fun!
Getting Started
- Players must sit in a circle or stand in a straight line. They need to be close enough that whispering is possible, but not so close that players can hear each other whisper.
- Begin the Game. The first person in the line or circle whispers a word or phrase into the ear of the person sitting or standing to their right.
- The Game Continues. Players whisper the phrase to their neighbors until it reaches the last player in line.
- The Conclusion. The last player says the word or phrase out loud so everyone can hear how much it has changed from the first whisper at the beginning of the circle or line.
Rules for Passover Telephone Game:
- The word must be related to Passover in some way.
- The word or phrase can only be whispered once, so players must pay close attention.
- The word or phrase should never be too familiar; you want to make sure it changes as it is whispered.
- Only one player – the first – should know what the word or phrase is. The facilitator of the game may wish to have the original phrase or word written down.