Christmas Eve
CLOSED— Christmas Day
New Year's Eve
New Year's Day
This position is responsible for providing support to the LIFT summer internship program.
LIFT Program Description
Participants are ages 18 and up
Going into our second summer, LIFT (Leadership, Internship, Friendship, Transition) has expanded to a full-day summer internship training and habilitative program geared towards young adults with supportive needs. This program, generously supported by The FAR Fund, will provide a two-part structured day and supportive experience for up to 8 participants. Building upon the foundation of job-related skills, interns will learn together and be provided with an enriched internship experience either at the JCC or with a community partner. To deepen the learning, and practice the necessary skill sets that encourage reaching their most independent potentials, LIFT will offer a daily living skills learning component through programmatic opportunities; such as gardening, cooking, community service, learning money management, etc. Interview is required.
Please upload your resume and cover letter. Thank you.